Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017



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Lecturer :
Mrs. Charisma Ayu Pramuditha, M.HRM

Arranged by
Feni Febriyani (1519200048)




Thank God we pray for the presence of Almighty God because with His grace and grace we can finish paper about "CASE ANALYSIS OF MISCOMUNICATION IN ORGANIZATION", although there are still many shortcomings in this paper. And we are also grateful to  Mrs. Charisma Ayu Pramuditha, M.HRM. as a lecturer of Business Communication course STIE MDP who has given this task to us.

We really hope this paper can be useful in order to increase our insight and knowledge. We are also fully aware that in this paper there is a shortage and is far from perfect. Therefore, we expect criticism, suggestions and suggestions for the improvement of the papers we make in the future, given that nothing is perfect without constructive suggestions and criticism.     

Hopefully this simple paper can be understood for anyone who reads it. If this report has been prepared, it can be useful for both ourselves and the people who read it. Previously we apologize if there are any errors of words that are less favorable and we ask for constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this paper in the future.

Palembang, October 2017



as in the case of “The police began to check a number of people

Batam, kompas police checked a number of people after the destruction of vehicles and equipment belonging to the plantation company in the isambas archipelago, the riau archipelago.
The riau island police officer submitted the investigation of the matter to the Anambas archipelago police station
It was declared the head of the provincial police officer riau inspector general sambudi gusdian Friday 30 June 2017 in batam
As reported, hundreds of people burned PT KARtika Jemaja Jaya asset combustion triggered by residents rejection of the plan of PT KJJ makes almost half of the island jemaja as rubber plantations. As a result, 15 bulldozers, 2 dredging machines, 2 wood lifting machines, 2 beam lifting machines, 4 cars, and a number of buildings owned by PT KJJ on fire.
Residents refuse Because the plantation site spent the forests on the island, residents are worried about the loss of water availability if the forest runs out. Residents need land to graze cows da gardening
Sambudi held, the investigation of the incident was done Anambas Island Police. A number of people questioned. But no one has been named a suspect.
"The root of the problem is the rule of utilization of natural resources, especially on small islands, less attention to the characteristics and aspirations of local communities. Regulation now ignores the linkage of small island ecosystems and coastal waters "says national coordinator destructive fishing watch (DFW) Indonesia abadi suhufan
He said the incident happened due to the government's neglect of the anambas' anxiety. Residents have long asked the government to review the permit of PT KJJ. Residents refused their large estates to choose fisheries and marine tourism development as the drivers of the economy
 DFW Indonesia noted that the company obtained a location permit from the regent of anambas archipelago and approval of the principle of production forest reserves from the forestry ministry in 2009, in 2011 the company received the approval of the location permit from the regent for three years
However, KJJ did not do anything in the period 2009-2016 even the status of the company changed from domestic investment into foreign investment. The legal manager of PT KJJ abdul Rahman denied the company was not active, the company prepared the mother plantation for pembibitana. The company's representatives at anambas also socialized the company's activity plan to the local people.

Important to note

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has requested the temporary suspension of the utilization of jemaja island for plantation business,
The director of the jetrall management of the marine space of KKP, Brahmantya satyamurti Poerwadi, stated that it was dijakarta, Friday to respond to the refusal of citizens to PT KJJ to develop 3,605 hectare rubber plantation on jemaja island.
The CTF has already been written to the environment and forestry ministries for temporary suspension (plantation business activities) "he said.
Brahmantya added that the plantation investment in Jemaja Island is a foreign investment. Permits must be from ministries that organize marine and fisheries taking into account the preservation of coastal ecosystems, small islands, traditional societies, and national interests
Jemaja Island is a small island with priority designation for the conservation of defense and security of sustainable fisheries. According to the brahmantya the use of small islands should be regulated in the local regulations on the zonation plan of coastal areas and small islands


2.1 Case Analysis

PT Kartika Jemaja Jaya (PT KJJ) wants to be almost half the island jemajah as rubber plantation because it residents burn 15 bulldozers, 2 machines kereuk, 2 wood lifter, 2 bearing machine, 4 cars and a number of buildings owned by PT Kartika Jemaja Jaya . Residents refused because the plantation site spent the island's forests, residents are worried about the loss of water availability if the forest runs out. Actually PT Kartika Jemaja Jaya menyiaokan parent plantation for breeding, company representatives in anambas also socialize the company's activities plan to the surrounding community. 

2.2 Solutions

Supposedly PT KJJ informed the residents in advance that the company is preparing the mother plantation for breeding and socializing the company's activity plan to the local people so that the people know that the garden will not be used all by PT KJJ they still think about the local people to do the nursery, and grow the crop.


PT KJJ did not do anything in the period 2009-2016 even the status of the company changed from investment domestic to foreign investment. The marine fisheries ministry has requested the cessation of the use of the jemaja island for past mei plantation business. Pulau Jemaja is a small island with priority designation for conservation, defense and security, and sustainable fisheries. Utilization of small islands should be regulated in local regulations on zoning plots of coastal areas and small islands



koran Kompas,Polisi mulai periksa sejumlah orang

Senin, 09 Januari 2017

analisi Marjan, sprite, oreo STIE MDP

Feni Febriyani
Manajemen Pemasaran 


iklan merupakan suatu alat yang digunakan oleh produsen untuk menyampaikan produknya kepada masyarakat luas, iklan sirup marjan misalnya, iklan ini biasanya muncul pada saat bulan ramadhan, Penayangan waktu dari iklan ini yaitu pada bulan ramadhan sudah cukup baik karena pada bulan rhamadan umat muslim akan berpuasa. Untuk berbuka puasa biasanya digantikan dengan minuman dan makanan yang manis, oleh karena itu penayangan iklan sirup marjan pada bulan ini sudah cukup baik . Selain itu iklan sirup marjan juga menayangkan cerita bersambung yang membuat penonton penasaran, hal ini dapat menarik minat dari pelanggan untuk terus tetap menyaksikan iklan sirup marjan . Dengan adanya kedua hal ini fungsi dari iklan yaitu sebagai informasi produk kemasyarakatan sudah tercapai 


spritEadalah minuman bersoda yang merupakan perusahaan cola-ola, iklan sprit sendiri mengalami perubahan dari waktu ke watu iklan seprit yang terbaru saat ini adalah mengenai seorang remaja muda yang berharap kehidupannya seperti drama korea , iklan ini sendiri mungkin cocok untuk anak - anak remaja saat ini sedang mengeluh-elukan drama-drama korea yang ada namun, bagi orang dewasa mungkin iklan ini kurang cocok , orang dewasa mungkin berfikir bahwa kehidupan remaja sekarang sudah berorientasi pada drama korea , pengisi suara pada iklan ini juga kurang pas karena dengan nada nya yang datar membuat orang menjadi boan melihat iklan ini , namun iklan ini sudah menyampaikan produknya yaitu dengan ditandai dengan pada ending iklan ini, pengisi suara mengajak masyarakat untuk membeli sprit dan meminumnya 


iklan oreo saat ini sudah ditampilkan dengan visualisasi kartun ini pasti akan banyak menarik banyak anak untuk melihat iklan oreo, selain itu iklan ini juga menampilkan oreo di berikan kepada vampir dan hiu yang notabene merupakan hal-hal yang menyeramkan dengan adanya hal tersebut , mendapatkan bahwa dengan memakan oreo akan menjadi menyenangkan . iklan ini juga menampilkan oreo dibagikan kepada semua orang dengan latar belakang budaya yang berbeda-beda. yang mengertikan bahwa oreo disukai semua orang dan bisa menjadi pemersatu perbedaan , iklan ini juga dilengkapi dengan lagu yang unik,lucu,dan mudah diingat sehingga masyarakat juga bisa mengingat produk oreo, hal ini menadakan fuksi iklan sebagai informasi produk mudah tercapai